Recent content by ChristianC

  1. C

    is there a place to find a parts list and values for a schematic?

    Found the resistor values in a youtube video now all I need is the capacitor valur.
  2. C

    is there a place to find a parts list and values for a schematic?

    Thanks. I have searched the entire web and cannot come up with a clear enough picture to read the resistors. I have a high resolution pic of the upper half of the board but not the lower. Figures.
  3. C

    is there a place to find a parts list and values for a schematic?

    The problem is the parts are missing from the board I am repairing. If someone had a board like this they could take a closeup picture of the resistor values for me and tell me the value of this missing capacitor I would greatly appreciate it. I am missing a 603 capacitor and two 603 resistors..
  4. C

    is there a place to find a parts list and values for a schematic?

    Looking for a parts list of mainly capacitors and their values for the schematic ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO REV.1.0.1A.FZ