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[video] Vertyanov Programmer

  Vertyanov programmer Vertyanov JIG V3 programmer : SVOD PROGRAMMER : SHARE , LIKE VIDEO Details about  KB9012QF+EDID eeprom USB Programmer + keyboard tester VER 3 KB9012QF, KB9010/9012/9016/9022, MEC1609, NPCE288, NPCE388 USB Vertyanov JIG V3 programmer VER 3 for laptop repair  ALL ACTIVATIONS, SOFTWARE UPDATES AND SUPPORT ON FORUM  ARE FREE !!!   + LCD EDID programmator for LCD displays […]

svod programmer KBC ENE SPI I2c MEC ITE smsc

Since time i publish a thread entitled explain the exclusive method of programming kb9012 and any io kbc for all laptop and talked about all the ways to ship io kbc in terms of advantages and disadvantages, and I got several messages about the third way which is the best in the programmed ENE KB9012,ENE […]